Italian cooking has just a few simple rules. One of them is clear: do not let food go to waste! In case you have some leftover corzetti pasta (although any pasta shape, both fresh and dry, is fine), we recommend this recipe for leftover corzetti pasta fritters. These polpette are delicious and satisfying. We usually bake them in the oven but of course they can be deep-fried, too. For some extra warmth, simmer them gently in a rich tomato sauce so that the pasta fritters get the most flavor they possibly can.
Leftover Corzetti Pasta Fritters
Leftover corzetti pasta
Grated parmigiano reggiano or pecorino cheese
1 egg
Homemade breadcrumbs
Parsley, chopped
Salt & Pepper
In a blender, process the leftover corzetti pasta until you form a smooth dough. Add the grated cheese, the egg (depending on the quantity of the pasta, you might need to add more than just 1 egg) and chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper.
Form your pasta fritters and roll them in breadcrumbs. Place the polpette on a lightly-oiled baking tray and bake in a 200°C-oven for 30 minutes or until golden.
Serve immediately with some green salad or simmer in tomato sauce for about 15 minutes.